The solar farm is back – and it’s even bigger

Comsol Energy have announced their intention to submit a revised planning application for a solar farm just to the East of the Glaid Stone and the highest point viewing area.

They have stated that the new application will have increased generating capacity, likely to be 7MW (previously 5MW) and now including 12MW BESS (Battery Energy Storage Systems) capacity. They suggest that the application site boundary will not change, but there will be changes to the proposed layout.

They have stated that they believe the forthcoming planning application will address some of the comments raised by consultees and the local community. However, as no application has been made yet, this is difficult to verify, and the location, at a very sensitive and much-loved part of the island, has not changed. It is not clear whether details will be provided this time about how power will be made available or exported off the island or whether there will be any benefit to the island.

Comsol Energy will be holding a public exhibition between 2pm and 8pm on Tuesday 6th December, at the Drop In Centre at the Garrison. This exhibition has been arranged by them at very short notice, but it is vital that as many people as possible attend so the community can be as informed and prepared as possible and ready to respond quickly if a planning application is submitted. It should be noted that this exhibition is not part of the formal planning application process which will only start when an application with full details of the proposal has been validated by North Ayrshire Council and made available for public scrutiny.

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30 November 2022