Painting #178 - 50cm x 50cm oil on canvas
Ploughed land was held in the elegant Flying Colours gallery in Chelsea. Presented by gallerist Lena Boyle, the show challenged modern interpretations of the British landscape. Often romanticised and idealised in art, Gregor instead presented contemporary landscapes as human-made products, exploited and defaced by progressive intervention over thousands of years – even in the most remote and apparently wild places.
Painting #179 - 50cm x 50cm oil on canvas
Painting #180 - 50cm x 50cm oil on canvas
Painting #200 - 38cm x 38cm oil on board
Painting #201 - 38cm x 38cm oil on board
Painting #203 - 50cm x 50cm oil on board
Painting #209 - 57cm x 57cm oil on board
Painting #211 - 38cm x 38cm oil on board
Painting #213 - 37cm x 37cm oil on board
Painting #215 - 50cm x 50cm oil on board
Painting #216 - 50cm x 50cm oil on board
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