Constructed - Circus Space, Hoxton, London

Imagine a system that has two possible outcomes when it is measured. For example, a coin spinning on a table. If we stop it, it must be either heads or tails, but up until that moment, you can think of is as being both heads and tails at the same time. In quantum physics this combined state is called 'superposition'. Quantum systems in superposition only ‘collapse’ into one particular state when they are measured.

The images below show a series of experiments in which two static images are spun at high speed to combine into a new superposition. This work is part of an ongoing project funded by the Scottish Funding Council through the Quantum Technologies Alliance for Research Challenge.

Cymatics 2a

Cymatics 2 spinning

The light universe - physics painting by Gregor Harvie

Cymatics 2b

Dirac 1

Dirac spinning

Dirac 2

Cymatics 1a

Cymatics 1 spinning

Cymatics 1b

Electron orbitals 1

Electron orbitals spinning

Electron orbitals 2

Sphere 1

Sphere spinning

Sphere 2

Black and white squares

Spin up / spin down with coloured lights

2 waves out of phase

White cube

Blue and red cubes

Coloured cubist

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